Here’s Why Leo Gura From Actualized.Org Should Delete His Channel.

3 min readSep 27, 2023

In the vast realm of self-help and personal development, online platforms have become a popular source of guidance and inspiration. Among these platforms, has gained significant attention. However, it is crucial to critically examine the potential problems and dangers associated with the content offered by This article aims to shed light on the risks of misinformation and manipulation that can arise from consuming their videos.

  1. The Illusion of Expertise: presents itself as an authority on personal growth and self-actualization. However, it is essential to question the qualifications and expertise of the individuals behind the platform. Without proper credentials or verifiable expertise, the information provided may lack credibility and potentially mislead viewers.

2. Oversimplification and Generalization:

One of the dangers of videos is the tendency to oversimplify complex psychological concepts. In an effort to make content more accessible, important nuances and individual differences can be overlooked. This oversimplification may lead to a shallow understanding of personal development, potentially hindering genuine growth and self-awareness.

3. Lack of Scientific Basis:

While personal development is a field that can benefit from both empirical research and subjective experiences, often lacks a solid scientific foundation. The absence of evidence-based practices and reliance on anecdotal evidence can mislead viewers into accepting unverified claims as truth. This can be particularly problematic when it comes to mental health issues or sensitive topics.

4. Manipulative Persuasion Techniques: videos often employ persuasive techniques that can subtly manipulate viewers’ emotions and beliefs. From the use of charismatic delivery to the strategic framing of ideas, these techniques can influence individuals without their conscious awareness. Such manipulation can lead to unquestioning acceptance of ideas, potentially compromising critical thinking and personal autonomy.

5. Confirmation Bias and Echo Chambers:’s content tends to attract a specific audience, creating an echo chamber where dissenting opinions are rarely acknowledged. This can reinforce confirmation bias, preventing viewers from considering alternative perspectives or challenging their own beliefs. The danger lies in the potential stagnation of personal growth and the perpetuation of narrow-mindedness.

Now, all of that is just the tip of the iceberg of how bad his influence truly is. This is just some chatgpt-generated basic obvious stuff (well, still not obvious for many of his followers) for the introduction. I want to show you how deep the rabbit hole truly goes with his content.

The biggest issue with his content is the massive existential crises that many of his followers experience from consuming his ridiculous spiritual mumbo-jumbo content. His forum is full of people reporting to have experienced “awakenings” that ended up ruining their lives. Essentially, going insane.

Worst of all, the way he deals with those people is by bullying them and looking down at them for not being as “awakened” as he is. If that’s not the most typical cult leader behaviour, I don’t know what is.

Most of his “spiritual” and “metaphysical” videos are extremely toxic and irresponsible and I have NO IDEA how he’s not cancelled yet.

I speak about him in more depth in this video

